Tag: Individual
EMDR In The News
20/20 Report on EMDR
EMDR, which is an acronym for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, works well for trauma response. We’ve used it successfully here at Motivations Counseling with a number of our clients. There are numerous studies that point to the effectiveness of this unique therapy treatment.
For the skeptics, or anyone else simply looking for more information about EMDR, here is a 20/20 Report that was done a while back that covers it in detail.
What to do when you are having a panic attack
Stop and be safe
If you feel you are having a panic attack, stop what your are doing. If you are driving, then you should safely pull off the roadway. Otherwise, simply stay where you are and try to wait it out. Don’t rush to get help as this will only add to your anxiety.
Calm yourself
Once you are in a safe place, try taking some deep breaths and slow down your breathing. The goal is to calm yourself to prevent from having a full-blown attack.
Think positive thoughts
Rather than focusing on the attack, try to conjure up a peaceful image, perhaps some scenic place like a beach, lake, or even a waterfall. Reassure yourself that the feeling will pass and that you aren’t in any real danger. Look for other distractions to take your mind off of the attack, such as looking at the second hand on your watch or counting from one to one hundred in your mind.
Plan what to do before the next attack
Come up with a strategy for the next time this happens. Remember how you were able to calm yourself this time and envision doing those same activities or even think of other ways to train your mind to focus on positive, calming thoughts.
Put yourself first
Individual treatment is often termed as psychotherapy, and is meant to help people with their emotional issues, which can range in order of their severity or intensity. The main aim of this form of therapy is to change the quality of life by defining the path of life clearly, and bringing in more clarity. Whether it is the problem of repressed childhood that you are facing, or an emotional breakdown due to divorce, failure or loss of a loved one, a professional psychologist can help you revive your mental health through systematic counselling.