Motivations Counseling is Featured in UpClose Magazine May 2021 Article
Motivations Counseling is featured in the May 1, 2021 UpClose Magazine “Successful Women in Business” Edition. Click to read more.
Motivations Counseling is featured in the May 1, 2021 UpClose Magazine “Successful Women in Business” Edition. Click to read more.
Parade magazine article on applying Love Languages during COVID-19 and the Holidays, with quotes from Susan Baker at Motivations Counseling.
This month we opened a new office located in the Katy, Texas area. It is conveniently located in the heart of Katy/Cinco Ranch near the upscale LaCenterra at Cinco Ranch entertainment, shopping and restaurant district.
The address is: 24044 Cinco Village Center Blvd, Suite 100 Katy, TX 77494
We are located next to the Cinco Ranch Public library. Click here for a map and directions to the new location.
Cathy Hein is one of the therapists accepting new clients in the Katy location offering counseling services to individuals and couples. Cathy is an EMDR Certified Therapist and provides EMDR therapy at this location also. You can reach Cathy as follows…
Phone: (281) 969-4547
Email: cathy@motivationscounseling.com
Click here for more information about Cathy’s therapeutic experiences and her overall approach to counseling.
Cathy Hein is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over thirty years experience specializing in both individual and couples counseling. She is certified in the use of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy with advanced training working with persons with chronic pain, anxiety, and complex trauma.
Cathy counsels adults 18 and over, providing a compassionate, supportive, and non-judgemental safe space in which to talk. She works with couples and is trained in the use of Prepare Enrich and Gottman Model modalities.
Cathy also brings to the team a wealth of experience in leading group therapy, having run multiple support groups and providing education services to the community at large.
She is now accepting new clients at our Sugar Land Office located at 14090 Southwest Fwy, Suite 300.
Please join us in welcoming Cathy to the Motivations Counseling family and wishing her success in her new practice here in Sugar Land.
Phone: (281) 858-3001
Email: cathy@motivationscounseling.com
Click here for more information about Cathy's therapeutic experiences and her overall approach to counseling.
Has your marriage changed? Do you feel like there is something missing? Perhaps you find yourself sometimes longing for the days when you were both happy and in love.
We often think of marriage counseling as a last resort--when things are so bad that divorce is the next best solution. Many people also associate divorce with major life issues and changes: infidelity, abandonment, abuse, or addictions.
What if I told you that you need to consider the possibility of counseling well before any of those things were to happen?
Here are 8 prominent signs that indicate you need marriage counseling:
1. You hardly speak to one another. Many relationship challenges center around communications: things left said or unsaid without resolution. A trained therapist can help facilitate new ways for you to communicate effectively.
2. You bicker and argue constantly, especially about trivial matters, leaving everything completely unresolved. Negative communication is just as bad as no communication at all. When your partner leaves you feeling judged or disregarded, things can escalate into emotional abuse.
3. There is a lack of candor in your relationship: you hide things from one another. We all need some privacy in our lives but when you and your partner find yourselves keeping secrets from one another, it is a clear sign that something is wrong.
4. You no longer feel an emotional or physical connection. A healthy marriage means sharing personal feelings, understanding, affirmation, and caring. When these things go, the relationship is in serious trouble.
5. You go to someone else to have your emotional needs met. It is not uncommon to turn to friends and family occasionally for emotional support, but when you find that your spouse is unable or unwilling to provide support, or you avoid going to them for support, then it is time to consider getting some professional help.
6. There is no physical or sexual intimacy in your relationship. Intimacy is paramount to maintain a healthy marriage. A therapist can help you to explore and rekindle the physical chemistry and rediscovery the love and friendship that was once there in the relationship.
7. You find yourself sexually attracted to other people, or you worry that your spouse may be. Relationships where a spouse has had an affair are very difficult (but not impossible) to repair. Trust is a foundation in the relationship that, when lost, takes time to rebuild. Fantasizing about having an affair is a sign that you desire something different. It's also a sign that there is a major problem in your marriage that you need to resolve now to avoid being unfaithful.
8. You have experienced a life-changing event, grief, or trauma which has left you feeling stuck. Trauma and grief are conditions that do not simply pass with time--you need to address them together with a trained therapist who can help you deal with the emotional scars the tragedy has left behind.
Marriage counseling can help you to gain insight into your relationship, resolve conflicts, and improve your relationship satisfaction. It can help you resolve relationship roadblocks before they become impasses.
According to renowned marriage expert, Dr. John Gottman, less than 5% of divorcing couples seek marriage counseling. It's way better to address problems in the marriage early before divorce becomes your final destination.
Source: 8 Signs You Need Marriage Counseling – Motivations Counseling – Medium
Motivations Counseling offers marriage and couples counseling services to clients in Sugar Land, Katy, Richmond, Missouri City and Houston, Texas. Our therapists use various therapy modalities for couples counseling, including the Gottman Method and Emotionally-Focused Therapy (EFT).
Call today to schedule a free consultation with a marriage and family therapist.
Creating and maintaining boundaries is important to for building healthy relationships and developing your own confidence and self-worth. There are lots of personal boundaries you might set, but here are a few that I think can help you right away — whether it’s with a friend or your significant other.
You have that person you want to get closer to, but they aren’t that into you right now, or perhaps they seem to be waiting for something, someone, maybe just a better offer.
Don’t put your life on hold hoping that they will eventually come around and eventually decide to reciprocate the feelings. Live your life in the present and treat yourself fairly in the process, too.
And remember, a little self-compassion goes a long way, too.
We’ve all seen this on social media. There are people who live to “show” everyone how important they are, how many friends they have, or even how glamorous their daily life is.
Don’t get caught up in all that.
In fact, learn to see through the hype and move beyond it. True friendships aren’t based on what you wear, where you eat, or how many shiny new objects you’ve purchased. It’s all about being real, human, and sharing life experiences together.
The memories you make together are what make life worth living.
Some people can’t help themselves. They talk themselves up in the beginning and even believe their own hype, making promises they cannot keep and have no intention to.
Their personality changes quickly or they end up disappearing once they’re expected to deliver. When that person is unable to discuss the future with you, then maybe they don’t want you to think you’re going to be a part of theirs.
Healthy relationships don’t revolve around one person’s desire to be in control.
Whether it’s you or your partner exhibiting this behavior, seek out equality in the relationship rather having one of you dominate the other. In loving relationships, it’s best to fully understand one another.
Take some time to figure the other person out — if it’s your significant other, take the love languages quiz and find out exactly who your partner is and what they really need from the relationship.
Communication is the bedrock of any solid relationship.
Smart phones have become a ubiquitous part our lives. We text, email, instant message, and send pictures and emojis around the world like there’s no tomorrow. But, somewhere along the way, we’ve stopped communicating directly.
Don’t fall into that trap.
Every text message is open to interpretation: i.e. what is he/she trying to tell me, but not saying? Texting is lazy communication and creates distance. It’s perfect for people who are emotionally unavailable and is not a good substitute for talking interactively.
Avoid relationships that are built around texting. Better yet, use the phone for what it was originally intended: calling someone.
There are lots of other boundaries you can set that will make your life simpler. These are just a few that you can adopt now to make your relationships stronger.
Think about other boundaries that will make your life less complicated and, hopefully, help you build a stronger connection.
Source: 5 Healthy Relationship Boundaries To Establish Now – Motivations Counseling – Medium
At Motivations Counseling, we want to help you to resolve emotional issues of the past and the present. Together, we can open the door to you finding a brighter and more confident future.
Call us today for a free 10-minute consultation to see if our approach and experience are right for you.
Phone: (281) 858-3001
Email: susan@motivationscounseling.com
Form: Contact Us
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.”
-William Shakespeare
The human condition is something that has been written about many times over. Major religions have definitive beliefs about it. Even Shakespeare tried to sum it up with his “All the world’s a stage” monologue.
When it comes to compassion, as humans we instinctively apply it to our fellow man when we observe suffering. It’s a natural reaction to want to help others who are in pain. But, so often we overlook the need for compassion when applying it to ourselves.
We all deal with difficulties in our lives. When you experience failure or feelings of inadequacy, do you find yourself self-criticizing or telling yourself to simply ignore the feelings hoping that they will just go away?
Self-compassion is about extending compassion to yourself whenever you experience failure, inadequacy, or general suffering. It is similar to the notion of “unconditional positive regard”, a concept developed by psychologist Carl Rogers.
Within the context of client-centered therapy, unconditional positive regard is about accepting and supporting a person regardless of what they say or do. With self-compassion, this unconditional positive regard is applied to your own experiences and actions.
Research consistently shows there is a positive correlation between self-compassion and psychological well-being. People with self-compassion have greater life satisfaction. They tend to have social connectedness, emotional intelligence and, in general, are happy. Self-compassion has also been shown to reduce anxiety, depression, shame, and fear of failure.
Kristin Neff, an associate professor at the University of Texas who is credited with conducting early academic studies into self-compassion, used her research to develop the Self-compassion Scales.
There are two measurements for Self-Compassion:
These scales were developed for researchers doing studies on self-compassion.
Dr. Neff defined self-compassion as being made up of three primary components: self-kindness, common humanity, and mindfulness.
If you have some time and want to work on developing your own self-compassion please check out the Self-compassion guided meditation and exercises developed by Dr. Neff at the following link: Self-Compassion Exercises by Dr. Kristin Neffself-compassion.org
Source: Compassion Is A Two-way Street – Motivations Counseling – Medium
At Motivations Counseling, we want to help you to resolve emotional issues of the past and the present. Together, we can open the door to you finding a brighter and more confident future.
Call us today for a free 10-minute consultation to see if our approach and experience are right for you.
Phone: (281) 858-3001
Email: susan@motivationscounseling.com
Form: Contact Us
Carolina Román is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist specializing in couples counseling. She is trained and fully experienced in the use of Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT).
EFT is a research-driven, structured approach to couples therapy that was created based on known science regarding adult attachment and bonding. It has been validated by over twenty years of empirical research and has been applied to many different kinds of problems and populations.
Having previously worked at a Houston-based counseling agency, and closely trained with U.S. Army Family Life Chaplains, Carolina brings to the team a wealth of experience in counseling couples and individuals. She is now accepting new clients at our Sugar Land Office located at 14090 Southwest Fwy, Suite 300.
Please join us in welcoming Carolina to the Motivations Counseling family and wishing her success in her new practice here in Sugar Land.
Phone: (832) 521-1919
Email: carolina@motivationscounseling.com
Click here for more information about Carolina's therapeutic experiences and her overall approach to counseling.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, better known as EMDR, is a type of therapy using eye movements, audio tones, sometimes even hand-held buzzers -- to stimulate the left and right hemispheres of your brain.
Developed in the late 1980's to treat military veterans struggling with PTSD and combat-related trauma, EMDR eventually became more widespread as a treatment for many other conditions.
Today, it is used to treat addiction, trauma, PTSD, depression, anger, grief, fear, anxiety and more. In fact, the treatment can be life altering.
EMDR can help you to see things from a different perspective, making you more aware of what things are a real threat to you, versus thoughts that amount to simply nonsense in your head.
EMDR impacts the neurons in your brain allowing you to bring back memories from the past. Places you grew up, people you knew, perhaps even memories of elementary school or a favorite teacher will return to you in vivid detail. Imagine walking through your childhood home again, remembering all the little details long forgotten.
EMDR will help you to come to terms with thoughts and feelings from your past that you may not have fully processed. The EMDR sessions help bring these things to the surface to allow your brain to processes them in a safe, healthy way. You may find yourself shedding a few tears in the processes, or feeling angry. Those feelings will go away as EMDR helps you to process them and to heal.
While EMDR helps you to clean up the problems of your past and present, you will have more energy to focus on your relationships with the people around you. Energy that you may have spent on a problem will become available to you to use to focus on improving relationships. You can deal with others now with confidence.
When it comes to trauma especially, EMDR will allow you to take traumatic, unpleasant, and even highly repetitive memories, and turn them into normal, everyday kinds of memories. Eventually, you will hardly think about any of these bad thoughts at all.
Through EMDR Therapy, you may find that you experience some or all of the above. There are many life experiences that can be addressed with EMDR, and even many more positive outcomes that I didn't even list in this article. Every individual's experience is different.
One thing that is very clear and, if nothing else, the main takaway from this article should be: EMDR therapy with a trained clinician can help you to change your life in a very positive, lasting way.
At Motivations Counseling, we want to help you to resolve emotional issues of the past and the present. Together, we can open the door to you finding a brighter and more confident future.
Call us today for a free 10-minute consultation to see if our approach and experience are right for you.
Phone: (281) 858-3001
Email: susan@motivationscounseling.com
Form: Contact Us
Stress is the trash of modern life. We all generate it, but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life. This is especially true when it comes to holiday stress.
The holiday season seems to bring with it some unwelcome guests -- both depression and stress. There are so many demands placed on us during this time of year -- shopping, cleaning, parties and entertaining, just to name a few.
With a few practical tips, you can minimize holiday-related stress. Taking these to account, you might even find that you can end up enjoying the holidays more than you thought.
When stress is at it's worse, you will find it difficult to stop and regroup. The best strategy is to to to get ahead of it and stop stress or depression in the first place. This is especially true if the holidays have taken an emotional toll on you in years past. Hopefully the following tips provided by the Mayo Clinic will help you.
At Motivations Counseling, we want to help you to resolve emotional issues of the past and the present. Together, we can open the door to you finding a brighter and more confident future.
Call us today for a free 10-minute consultation to see if our approach and experience are right for you.
Phone: (281) 858-3001
Email: susan@motivationscounseling.com
Form: Contact Us
Recognize and resolve conflicts in the relationship
Enable teens to feel confident, empowered, and motivated
Overcoming uncomfortable feelings of nervousness or worry
Help you to cope with feelings of sadness and hopelessness
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Christian and spiritual-based counseling